Archive for the ‘Informative’ Category

The new year of the Islamic calender.

1 muharam 1433h is the new year int the Islamic calender whereby for this year it falls on 27th November 2011 (sunday) and Monday was declared as public holiday. In Malaysia, we call it awal muharam.

Here’s some information on Awal Muharam / Maal Hijrah:

Maal Hijrah, which is also called Awal Muharam, is an important day for Muslim. It falls on the first day of Muharam on every Muslim calendar year, which is the first day on Muslim calendar.

The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslim remember Nabi Muhammad S.A.W migrate from Mecca to Medina on the year 622 A.D. Besides, Maal Hijrah also mean changes from bad to good side and can be said as starting point and evaluate inner-self on self achievement.

Awal means beginning in English and Muharam is the first month of Muslim calendar. In another words, this is the first day in Muslim calendar. Therefore, this is also the new year for all Muslim.

To signify this occasion, Muslims attend to various religious activities, spiritual singing, and religious meeting throughout the country.

This day has become an important religious day for all Muslim.

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Strees.. go away…

Good Day readers,

I’m under stress right now and trying my best to get rid of it.. I’m strees on everything eventually, my parent, work, special ones.. wish I don’t have to think about all this.. when I’m stressed I feel like no one wants to accompany me.. I call and text but no reply.. yesterday I didn’t talk with anyone at all.. I call and text there were no feed back.. So I laiyed back on my back and try to get some sleep.. but all this stress thinking make me so di motivated.. I hate this. Wish to have my life back.. I’m so down..



Nah… cuba dulu baru tahu. Sebagai demo penawar hati melalui Al-Quran, jom kita selami jawapan yang boleh kita dapat dari Al-Quran dalam beberapa persoalan yang terbit di hati kita ketika kita dilanda pelbagai ujian dan dugaan hati ini selalu sahaja merintih seperti berikut:


” Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan (saja)mengatakan: “Kami telah beriman,” sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta. ”

-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3


” ….. Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui. ”
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216


” Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.”
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286


” Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman. ”
Surah Al-Imran ayat 139


” Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di perbatasan negerimu) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beruntung. ”
-Surah Al-Imran ayat 200

“Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan shalat. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu’, ”
-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45


” Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu’min, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan surga untuk mereka ….. ”
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 111


” ….. Cukuplah Allah bagiku; tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku bertawakkal. Dia adalah Tuhan yang memiliki ‘Arsy yang agung. ”
-Surah At-Taubah ayat 129


” ….. dan jangan kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kaum yang kafir. ”
-Surah Yusuf ayat 87

Semoga segala persoalan dan rintihan yang melanda jiwa dan sanubari kita terubat dengan janji-janji Allah………. sesungguhnya kepada kitab suci Al-Quran lah tempat kita merujuk segala permasalahan….. kerana ialah penawar….. penawar untuk kita……… marilah kita kembali kepada Al-Quran dan Al Hadith… kembali mengamalkan ajaran yang terkandung sepenuhnya…….. semoga Allah memberkati sahabat-sahabat di sana ….

Baby sitting is fun but tiering.. hehehe

Recently my mum is baby sitting her new born neice.. which mean my new born cousin.. hehehe she not a fuss to handle.. I love baby siting her.. every time I’m back from work or my off days I will always play with jer until she smiles.. now she learn how to roll over and she has been rolling from her mattress all the way to the chair.. Now have to really look at her because I’m afraid she might knock her head.. hehehe.. She’ so cute and adorable.. Cute Syifa.. here comes angah…

Expensive dental treatement..

Recently I had my wisdom tooth taken out again.. I found that they charge RM100 per tooth.. Gile ape.. no wonder people don’t admire to see the dentist.. tampal gg je RM150 – RM250.. pergh… pastu paksa2 orang cabut sume wisdom tooth.. Hey!! If I had a lot of money at that time I might think twice before allowing the dentist to pluck all my wisdom tooth out. Directly I said I only budget for RM150 today.. so do the necessary on the wisdom tooth that’s aching.. the rest I will come next month when My sellary is credited to my Acc.. huhuhu.. dentist should advice patient not force them to pluck out all the tooth at one time.. My previous dentist advice me the wrong thing and force me to make a wrong decision. He told me to do root treatment then crowning which all together cost me around RM2000.. the after 3 week the whole thing came out.. so now I don’t trust that dentist n I change to a new dentist.. but this new dentist keep forcing me to do things.. Dentist in Malaysia are way difference then dentist I’ve met in England.. In England they advice and convince in such good manner and they treat you well but here.. everything is force like they all desperate for money.. FeeL so sad.. and my tooth start to ache.. need to take my medicine now.. be writing back real soon with more stories..

WSW 1702 and WSW 2071

See the difference between the two number? Yesterday when I was having lunch, I saw this two identical car parked outside Domino’s. The same brand and colour. The cute thing is that the car plate number is almost the same.It would be same if we just put mirror in between the numbers.. heheheheh..

The funny thing is that when I was eating people whom passed by and notice this two car would stop and smile before continue with whatever they are doing. I waited for the driver because I was too eager to see who are the drivers but till I’d finished my lunch the driver doesn’t get back to their cars. so I drove of to the office and continue my work..

* If only I could put pictures of these car..

Hujan (rain) and xcdent is a must…

Hai all readers,

Good day..

Its raining this morning. heavily like ‘raining cats and dogs’ ppl might say.. well from my observation when ever it rains there’s always accident. Like last Monday somewhere arround Putra Height there was a car rolled over. Maybe the driver was driving too fast and skided.. today there is another accident where two car bumped onto each other at a corner nearby Cyberjaya exit. Proton Wira and Prodia Kenari.. Luckily the driver wasn’t injured.

So to all drivers out there.. Do becarefull when driving. Watch your speed limit. Don’t rush and you’ll arrive safely..

Same goes to me.. 😀


Gathering vs Reunion

Good day Readers,

Through out this festive season, we all know that everyone is trying to gether all their relatives and friends. Well recently I have had an Open house and it was great. My friendz were there my family were gethered and my neighbors too..

Well up until yesterday there was invitation for open house. my friends called up to join her makan2 at her house. hehehe.. so this whole one and a half month we’ve been gathering all the time just for makan2. no wonder I’m getting fat. ahahahahha… need to get out for a jog..

It’s fun to have some kind of reunion because it lets you to meet your old buddies and besties.. school mate, class mate, room mates, uni mate, soul mate.. ops!! ehem ehem.. ok2..

So why is it gathering vs reunion? to me it sound just the same.. peeps who’ve been located at one place to meet up.. so what do you think?

Well here’s are some definition on reunion and gathering.


1. the act of uniting again.
2. the state of being united again.
3. a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation: a family reunion.

1. an assembly or meeting.
2. an assemblage of people; group or crowd.
3. a collection, assemblage, or compilation of anything.
4. the act of a person or thing that gathers.
5. something that is gathered together.
6. a gather or a series of gathers in cloth.
7. an inflamed and suppurating swelling.
8. (in a flue, duct, or the like) a tapered section forming a transition between two sections, one of which has a greater area than the other.
9. Bookbinding. a section in a book, usually a sheet cut into several leaves.

[taken from]

Kehidupan( Mcm2 Cerita Ada)

Dah lama saya tak tulis kat blog ni kan. bukan apa.. sejak saya down ni.. xde feel nk menulis. well life must move on.. xpe slow2 dulu.. pembakar semangat skg ni kereta la. Nk bf x menjadi. nk rumah lum mampu lg. nk berpansangan calon x kene je.. so beli la kerata. skg kete tu dh dua bulan dh.. so far ok je. cme kadang2 tu mse drive kat highway takut gak sbb lori suka mkn jalan. x cukup patrol kot nk makan. hehehe.. aish blazer sape la kat kiusi aku ni.. hentam jela. kat opis ni sejuk skg.. sweater x bawak lak tu. pakai jela blazer hijau kat kusi ni. dh ada sejak aku amik alih job ni.yg bestnye muat lak tu. ngeh ngeh ngeh.. semalam best sket sbb my besties ajak I g lunch skali. lama dh x jumpa my besties tu… sejak I tukar job la katakan.. dulu opis mate senang la nk jumpe ke hang out ke so x ksah la. skg ni je masing2 ada keje masing2 opis pn dh lain2 nk lepak skali pn dh susah…. Hurm.. macam2 berlaku.. baru2 ni masa sehari sblm raya sepupu I nk wat lemang.. nk djdkn cerita kat kedai santan sume habis.. so die pn ape lg panjat pokok kelapa la. then jeng3 kne suspen sket ni.. kaki die kebas.. sruuuuuuuupppppppp… die slide dr atas jatuh kebawah,, tinggi pokok kelapa tu.. habis tgn n body die melecur. pinggang die patah sbb jatuh terduduk.. So ktorg pn beraya kat hospital dgn die.. To Abg Narang.. GET WELL SOON.. xpe thn ni x dpt rasa lemang abg narang.. kita beli je k.. next year ada lg tp jgn panjat pokok nk dptkn kelapa.. bgtau je ktorg.. ktorg g crik santan sampai bandau Melaka..

Hahaha ada lg story ni.. Time raya gak.. mase tu ktorg g beraya kat kl umah sedara blah ayah.. ada la dlm 4 buah rumah ketuk2 bg salam(assalammualaikum…) xde org la… huhuhu.. then mlm tu sblm g sambung beraya ktorg mkn kat burger king.. hehehe dah lapor sgt.. x mkn dr siang. mkn breakfast je.. huhuhuhu.. well Nk djdkn story la katakan…

Hehehe dh xde keje la tu nk cite panjang2 lak I ni.. k la.. nnt ada story kita sambung lg k.. Just wait for my new story.. C Ya.. jgn nakal2 be safe..

Haa kat bawah ni picha raya I.. tu sume baju raya n selendang raya.. thn ni beraya tema selendang..



nk kongsi cerite ni pasal satu mimpi.mmg la majoriti org akan ckp tu sume mainan tdo tp nk kongsi gak hehehe well zie pnah la bace buku tafsir mimpi(islamic punyer) katenye kalu mimpi kerengga berbisa spt kala jengking or lipan maksudnye ade musuh dalam rumah.

kalau u all pnah alami mimpi kala jengking or lipan WASPADALAH kerana munkin rakan sebilik anda menikam anda dari belakang…

well saya dah alami mimpi sebegini sbb tu carik buku tafsir mimpi tu kat library hehehehe…

tp mmg la mase tu ade mem sy roomate sy sendiri tikam sy dr belakang (tak mati lg sbb bkn tikam gne pisau hehehehhe) ..

sungguh x sangka.. sy sungguh tak sangka

ish ish ish dasyat…..


